The Arab Spring - Greece Outreach

Would you like to Share this Harvest?

100% of all donations will be used for what is is given.

The cost of sending a family to Greece with this ministry is significant. If the Lord puts it on your hearts to share with this work we would like to invite you to join us in prayer or financial assistance.

Everyday Living Expenses


Everyday eating and personal cost while living in the Refugee camp. The coordinating staff has estimated that for a family of 7 the cost should be approximately 400/month .

Housing and Transportation


The ministry that is coordinating the housing cost and transportation has asked for a cost of $1800. This amount covers the housing and vehicle costs and several "team meals" during the stay.

Plane Tickets


Plane tickets to send this family to Europe and back home will be the largest cost for this project. This cost includes travel from Europe, and back. It also includes the additional travel cost from Athens to the refugee location.

Hotel and Rent-a-car


Hotel in Athens the night we arrive. Approximately $200.
Car rental for one day to get from airport –to hotel and to the Island. $200

Any Other Contribution

As The Lord Leads

We are very grateful for any amount that the Lord has placed on your heart regardless how small.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is the family being send?

For the purpose of international anonymity the name and picture of the family is not mentioned here.

Will I get a tax-deductible receipt?

Yes, Sharing His Harvests is an established 501 (C) (3) charitable organization. All donations (business or individual) will receive a tax-deductible receipt.

Who is Sharing His Harvests?

Sharing His Harvests ministries is an established 501 (C) (3) charitable organization. That exist to serve the body of Christ Jesus with the means to give to the work of the Lord.

Who will receive these donations?

Sharing His Harvests will recieve these donations, and will insure that 100% of all donations will be used for what it was given.

What payments do you accept?

We are able to receive payment via PayPal, yet if using this option posses a problem, please contact us and we will assist you in any other way possible.

A Call to Action

“Never let a good crisis go to waste” - Sharing His Harvests

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